lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

I curse from the High Heaven

Maldigo del alto cielo | I curse, from the high heaven,
la estrella con su reflejo,| the glimmering star.
maldigo los azulejos | I curse the small fish flashing in the stream.
destellos del arroyuelo,
maldigo del bajo suelo | I curse the low ground below me,
la piedra con su contorno, the stone and its outline,
maldigo el fuego del horno | I curse the oven's fire
porque mi alma está de luto, | because my soul is mourning
maldigo los estatutos | I curse the laws of
del tiempo con su bochorno. |weather with their sultry weather.
Cuánto será mi dolor. | How much is my pain!

Maldigo la cordillera | I curse the mountain chain
de los Ande y de la costa, | of Andes and that of the shore
maldigo toda la angosta | I curse all the narrow
y larga faja de tierra, | and long strip of land,
también la paz y la guerra, | as well as peace and war,
lo franco y lo veleidoso, | what is honest, and what is inconstant
maldigo lo perfumoso | I curse what is plenty of perfum
porque mi anhelo está muerto, | because my hope is dead,
maldigo todo lo cierto | I curse everything taken for granted
y lo falso con lo dudoso. | and what is false or doubtful.
Cuánto será mi dolor. | How much is my pain!

Maldigo la primavera | I curse Spring
con sus jardines en flor | with its blossomed gardens
y del otoño el color | and the coulour of the Fall
yo lo maldigo de veras, | I truly curse all of that,
y la nube pasajera | and the passing cloud
la maldigo tanto y tanto | I curse both so much,
porque padezco un quebranto, | because I suffer from an immense sorrow
maldigo el invierno entero, | I curse the entire Winter,
por el verano sincero | and regarding the sincere Summer
maldigo profano y santo. |I curse it as well, whether profane or sacred
Grande será mi dolor. How big is my pain!

Maldigo la solitaria | I curse the lonely
figura de la bandera, | flag figure,
maldigo cualquier emblema, | I curse any crest,
la venus y la araucaria, | venus and the araucaria
el trino de la canaria, | the canary dam tweet,
el cosmo con sus planetas | the Cosmos and its planets
la tierra y todas sus grietas | the Earth and all its cracks
porque me aqueja un pesar, | because a sorrow inflicts me
maldigo del ancho mar | I curse the wide sea
sus puertos y sus caletas. | with its harbours and bays
Grande será mi dolor. | How big is my pain!

Maldigo luna y paisaje, | I curse the Moon and landscape,
los pueblos y los desiertos, | the villages and deserts,
maldigo muerto por muerto | I curse every dead person
y el vivo de rey a paje, | and the alives from king to page boy,
las aves con su plumaje | the birds with their feathers
las maldigo a sangre fría, | I curse with cold blood
las aulas, las sacristías, | classrooms and sacristies,
porque me aflije un dolor. Because a sorrow inflicts a great pain to me
Maldigo el vocablo amor | I curse the term "LOVE"
con toda su brujería, | with all its sorcery
cuánto será mi dolor. |How much is my pain!

Maldigo por fin lo blanco, | I finally curse what is white,
lo negro con lo amarillo, | what is black or yellow,
obispos y monaguillos, | bishops and altar boys,
ministros predicando, | ministers preaching,
yo los maldigo cantando, | I curse all of them by singing,
lo libre y lo prisionero, | what is free and what is prisoner,
lo dulce y lo pendenciero, | what is sweet and what is quarrelsome,
yo pongo mi maldición, | I put my curse
en griego y en español, | in Greek and in Spanish,
por culpa de un traicionero, | due to a treacherous woman.
cuánto será mi dolor. | How much is my pain!

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Without words

Born out of you...
looking for a song that could unite us,
and today I know it is cruel, perhaps brutal,
the punishment that I'm giving you.

Without words
this music is gonna hurt you,
wherever your betrayal will listen to it...
The most absurd night, the saddest day.
When you were laughing, or when your hope cries.

Forgive me if it is God,
Who finally wanted to punish you after all of this...
If there are tears that can prosecute like this,
if these notes that were born because of your love,
at the end are a whip that opens up wounds of one history... they are tortures!, they are memories...

Born out of you...

lying among hopes a destiny,
and today I know I know it is cruel, perhaps brutal,
the punishment that I'm giving you...

Without saying it this song will say your name,
without saying, your name will (always) be with me.
The eyes almost blind of my atonishment,
along the atonishment of losing you and not dying!

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Food for Think ... at this odd corner of my life.

"Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well, yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps twenty. And yet it all seems limitless." (The Sheltering Sky, William Faulkner). It may be that if W. Faulkner had listened the following song before writing the monologue above this... ...he'd have felt the real pain that the certainty of losing what one loved the most yields in the human soul! "Nostalgias" (tango by Enrique Cadícamo)
Quiero emborrachar mi corazón | I want to make my heart drunk
para apagar un loco amor | to put off a crazy love
que más que amor es un sufrir... | that is more a painful suffering than love.
 Y aquí vengo para eso, | So I come along for that
a borrar antiguos besos | to wipe out old kisses
en los besos de otras bocas... | with the kisses of other mouths.
 Si su amor fue "flor de un día" | if her love was a one day flower
 ¿porqué causa es siempre mía | why (in the world) this cruel preoccupation is always mine?
esa cruel preocupación? 
Quiero por los dos mi copa alzar | I want to raise my glass to the two of us
para olvidar mi obstinación | to forget my stubbornness
y más la vuelvo a recordar. | and more (and more) I come back to remember her.

Nostalgias | Nostalgia
de escuchar su risa loca | of listening to her crazy laughter
y sentir junto a mi boca | and feeling her breathing next to my mouth
como un fuego su respiración. | like a fire.
Angustia | Anguish
de sentirme abandonado | to feel myself abandoned
y pensar que otro a su lado | and think that another (man) at her side
pronto... pronto le hablará de amor... | will soon... soon talk her of love
¡Hermano! | Brother!
Yo no quiero rebajarme, | I don't want to humiliate myself
ni pedirle, ni llorarle, | nor ask her , nor cry
ni decirle que no puedo más vivir... | nor tell her that I can't live without her anymore.
 Desde mi triste soledad veré caer| From my sad loneliness
las rosas muertas de mi juventud. | I will see the dead roses of my youth falling.

Gime, bandoneón, tu tango gris, | The “bandoneon” groans its grey tango
quizá a ti te hiera igual | it may be that some sentimental love
algún amor sentimental... | will hurt you likewise.
Llora mi alma de fantoche | My grotesque soul is crying
sola y triste en esta noche, | alone and sad tonight
noche negra y sin estrellas... | black night, starless night.
Si las copas traen consuelo | If the drinks bring comfort,
aquí estoy con mi desvelo | I'm here with my sleeplessness
para ahogarlos de una vez... | to drown it at once.

Quiero emborrachar mi corazón | I want to make drunk my heart para
después poder brindar | to be able to make a toast then
"por los fracasos del amor"... | “for failures of love”.