sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

The last performance
You can listen to Alfredo a few months before dying of cancer
This is probabley his last stepping out and you can notice
the loss of voice due to illness advance --he probably suffered
several gastroscopies shortly before this at the time.
I was deeply emotioned when I listened this for the first time,
but at the same time I'd like to have the same courage
to step on the stage for my last "performance"
when the time comes, with the same dignity and strength as him! The same "Beauty in Love" sung 7 years before... Bella enamorada | Beauty in love
con tu imagen sueño | I dream with your face
y un amor dichoso | and I seek a happy love
busco para mi | for me
Bella enamorada | Beauty in love
que eres mi consuelo | you are my consolation
ya sin tu cariño | and now without your love
ya sin tu cariño | bis
no podré vivir | I won't be able to live anymore
Noche de amor , etc. | Night of love...

"...ven hacia mí, sombra misteriosa,
sombra de mujer"

Qué solos se han quedado los espacios de mi vida sin sus inquilinos
Al despertar del dulce sueño
y antes de preparar el desayuno,
me acostumbré a recoger sus ropas íntimas arrancadas
cuando la pasión nos quemaba
Qué frías están las habitaciones que dejaba a mujeres itinerantes
y qué tristeza me produce la pulcritud del vacío
porque una vez hubo un geranio en la ventana,
canciones en la ducha,
palabras y risas en las estancias
Ya pensé que nunca más iba a tener que alquilar, ¡qué equivocado estaba!


viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

http://www.teatro-real.com/es/noticias/compre-ya-su-abono-de-opera ==>
Why am I not there!!!
I didn't ever take her to the Opera at Teatro Real and I will be never able to do that!!!
how can anyone carry on with this regret?
She is gone forever... and thus "why do you wake me up, oh Spring breeze? ... you will only find my sadness and misery" (that's what the song says) This is an extraordinary performance of Alfredo Kraus (he lived his last years in Lanzarote, Canary Islands) in Teatro Real (1998)
What Almunia said is pure logic!!!!
1) you can't pay debt with more debt
2) as long as you guarantee savings accounts, there is no need to support
"banks"that never will overcome their problems and generate revenue!
He is NOT ANTI-SPANISH, he is simply an economist who knows the maths
of the immense problem that the incompetence of De Guindos and Rajoy have
generated, after having wasted 4 precious months not doing anything about
the ailing banks enormous debt and afterwards taking the wrong path to solve
this problem->
"Please, help! how can we have such a bunch of incompetents as politicians ?
Is this a reflect of the "Latin character"? or simply we live in an absurd
reality" (see my post on June, 10th)
May God of Devil help us!!!!
Poor Spain.

domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Spanish bailout!
The Economy Minister, Mr. De Guindos, said that it is only
an "emergency loan" (up to 125 USD billions) and it would be
established according to “very favorable” interest condition for
Spain, in fact for the banks that are actually the final borrowers
of this "astronomic" amount of money. "Differently" from Ireland
or Portugal (I don't even dare to say "Greece") this loan won't mean
to set any conditions on the future economical politics of our country...
and that is exactly the part of the Guindos' speech where I started
to feel a sharply cold on my spine. Is actually our Economy Minister
a cynic ? or worse, is he presuming that we the People are idiots ?
Who in the world will buy sovereign Spanish debt after being rescued ...
or put in another way: at what price would investors buy Spanish debt in the short term?
The Spanish Government is paying now a 7% or interest for the debt and
it is issuing near 80 USD Billions of obligations this year! So, the
question is: if the interest rate roared on Monday how long would the
Spanish economy resist before defaulting ? Why not having turned the debt
of those (30% of the entire banking system, Guindos said) ailing banks
into capital, without resorting to any rescue or the public tax-payers money?
Our Prime Minister (President of the Spanish Government) is leaving for Poland
tomorrow to see the Spain/Italy soccer match, apparently relieved after his
"very own" De Guindos had told him of having sorted the thing out, quickly and
efficiently , of course, with the uninterested help of his colleagues in the
Euro-group (i.e. the Sanhedrin of the European Economic Ministers)... Please, help!
how can we have such a bunch of incompetents as politicians.
Is this a reflect of the "Latin character"? or simply we live in the absurd kingdom of Juan Carlos I.

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

"Mala colonización"
“Pobre de mim, não pensava
que, tal e qual como eu,
o vento se apaixonava
por esse nome que é teu.
E quando o vento se agita,
agita-se o meu tormento.
Quero esquecer-te, acredita,
mas cada vez há mais vento”

De tu piel me queda el oro que mancha el cuello de mis camisas.
De tus manos pequeñas, mis cajones con su ropa ordenados
De tus pies de diosa, el frío hueco que dejaron bajo el edredón
De tu carácter, saber ver lo que ha de venir y enfrentarlo.

Quizás no toda, pero chupé tu sangre,
porque era mía, y no murió mi alma.
Mi mente extraña la tuya porque era su gemela.
Mis costumbres son las que tú dejabas
cuando colonizaste los días que me quedan.

Mis dioses murieron, no supieron vencer a los tuyos.
Pero, nada te llevaste:
Ni los pericos, ni el cacao, ni el maíz o el oro
--en Europa no hay de esas cosas.
Qué mal colonizaste porque dejaste tesoros,
mas nada exigías como prenda de lo conquistado
para tu viaje de retorno.

Garnatí, para A.

Great Denisse!!!! Violeta still lives in your voice....

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

75 anniversary of German bombing of Almeria How much suffering is still in the future of my loved grandfather's land of Almeria? The brutality of nazis against the Spanish II Republic and those who stuck loyal to it hasn't been completely investigated yet by historians!