martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Land, only that ...

Tierra , tan sólo tierra para las heridas recientes | Land, only land for the recent wounds
... para el húmedo pensamiento | Land, only land for the wet thinking
... para el que huye de la Tierra | Land, only land for who runs away from Earth
... tierra desnuda y alegre | Land, only land naked and happy
... tierra que ya no se mueve | Land, only land that doesn't move no more
....tierra de noches inmensas | Land, only land of vast nights
No es la ceniza en vilo de las cosas quemadas | It is not the up in the air ashes of burnt things
Lo que yo vengo buscando es tierra | What I'm looking for is land
... tierra desnuda y alegre | Land, only land naked and happy
.... tierra que ya no se mueve | Land, only land that doesn't move no more
... de noches inmensas | Land, only land of vast nights
No es la ceniza en vilo de las cosas quemadas | It is not the up in the air ashes of burnt things
Lo que yo vengo buscando es tierra | What I'm looking for is land
Viento en el olivar, viento en la sierra | Wind in the olive grove, wind in the mountains

Sung by Marta Gómez, based on a poem of Federico García Lorca, and composed at the rhythm of Milonga Campera

Dry thinking, opposite to “wet thinking”; stability instead of immediacy of collapse; deep-rooted love opposed to romance; the proximity of our Mother Earth that will make vanish the thrill for traveling; what is permanent in opposition to fluctuant things…These kind of feelings is what I need to communicate someone to heal her lacerated soul.

Thus, by sowing that fragile, frightened, once extremely brilliant, mind in the land, can we expect any healing or improvement at the moment? The problem is that she doesn’t acknowledge this ground as her own Land. She only has memories of the sunny afternoons in a undefined territory of happiness, but she doesn’t remember to whom belonged this piece of land of why she was there once in the past.

I think there is no hope to settle things by now and the Promised Land must keep being inhabited by heavy drinker hamburger eaters for the time being.

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