sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

I wrote your name in the wind

Escrevi teu nome no vento | I wrote your name in the wind
Convencido que o escrevia | convinced of what I had written
Na folha dum esquecimento | in a leaf of oblivion,
Que no vento se perdia | it would get lost with the wind.
Ao vê-lo seguir envolto | When I saw it to keep wrapped
/ Na poeira do caminho  | in the dust of the road,
Julguei meu coração solto / I thought my heart was (finally) free
Dos elos do teu carinho | from the links of your love.
Em vez de ir longe levá-lo / However (the wind) instead of taking it far,
| Longe, onde o tempo o desfaça | far away, where the time makes it to vanish,
Fica contente a gritá-lo /  it feels happy to yeal it out,
Onde passa e a quem passa | wherever it passes through and whoever passes by.
Pobre de mim, não pensava /  Poor of me!, I didn't think
Que tal e qual como eu |  that, like me,
O vento se apaixonava /  the wind was passionate of
Por esse nome que é teu | that name of yours
E quando o vento se agita / and when the wind stirs up
Agita-se o meu tormento | my torture twirls as well
Quero esquecer-te, acredita /
I want to forgive you, believe me, |
Mas cada vez há mais vento | however there is more and more wind as time goes on.

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